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So many birth partners have told us that they are worried that they won’t know what to do during labour, or how to support their partner. Our Active Birth Workshop aims to show both pregnant women and their birth companions useful and practical ways that can help with labour and birth.
The workshop provides time to explore how the labouring woman might want to move, position herself and breathe, and how her birth partner can make that easier and more comfortable for her.  Women and their birth partners are shown practical ‘tools’ for working with pain in labour including touch, movement and massage.
The facilitators draw upon well respected research and knowledge about birth and discuss a range of approaches to meet the intensity of labour, using simple equipment available to all, such as birth balls, pillows and chairs.


The Active Birth Workshop is particularly valuable for women and partners planning or considering as straight forward a birth as possible. Many women are worried that they might not be able to cope with the intensity of labour and many partners are worried that they will find this very difficult. The aim of the day is to help everyone feel more positive about birth and confident in their abilities to cope with labour.
Our facilitator is a highly experienced and knowledgeable birth educator/Active Birth Teacher, having worked with women and their birth partners for many years.


The workshop, which is designed for women and their birth partners, takes place over a whole day on a Saturday or Sunday. This includes a break for lunch (which is not provided).  Tea, coffee, water and biscuits will be available throughout the workshop.
Our groups are kept to a maximum of five couples, and have a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. The day is loosely structured, but is kept flexible to ensure there is plenty of opportunity for questions and discussion.
All are welcome. Women come with male or female partners and/or mothers, sisters, friends and birth companions.
Women and their birth partners are welcome at any stage in their pregnancy but often come between 30-37 weeks of their pregnancies so they have time to think about what they have learned during the day.

Upcoming workshops:

2025 dates:

  • ​Sunday 9th March - FULL

  • Sunday 18th May


For dates after May 2025, please contact our friendly office team.




The suggested donation  is £120 per couple. However, all our classes have concessionary rates and this is the same for the donation system. Please contact us about this if you need to know more. We also welcome women with two birth partners and the suggested donation for three people is £140. We operate on a donation system because the PPC is a not-for-profit charity. However, all of our groups and courses have concessionary rates and we never turn anyone away due to financial constraint. Please contact us about this if you need to know more or fill in our concession form.




he workshop was really helpful in making me feel ready for labour. The tip about asking for no drugs to be offered unless I requested them was great, and went into my birth plan. I’m delighted to say that I was lucky enough that everything went to plan. I got the delivery I wanted, and Lee’s advice helped to make that possible. I found Lee’s techniques for managing pain very useful. I wanted to say thanks – the workshop was a really valuable experience.

The workshops and the support of the PPC helped take the fear out of birth, and changed it into something we could own as an experience.

We had such a great, bonding, positive day.  We loved the facilitator’s manner, the information was absolutely useful and the new massage tips brilliant. We also laughed a lot which was wonderful. It was an important and special day for us.

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