With Fiona Reilly
An Active Listening session provides a safe, supportive and non-judgemental space for you to share your experiences, a place to be heard and accepted exactly as you are. It is an opportunity to receive empathy, encouragement and acceptance from another, so that you may find your own understanding, solutions or ways forward. Active Listening can provide assistance with unresolved issues from your past, experiences that require attention in the present or the exploration of future possibilities. It does not offer answers or solutions – rather, without judgement, assists you in finding your own way.
Fiona has trained as a facilitator, has a psychology degree and a certificate in Counselling Skills, as well as having learned from her own personal life experiences, other training, amazing teachers and guides. She is empathic and sensitive to energy and you will work with what is arising in whatever way feels most appropriate for you. Her approach is intuitive, incorporating a range of skills that have evolved and developed over the years. It may include some gentle meditation, counselling skills, perceptive questioning, body movement or other techniques depending or what feels right in the moment.

If you would like to get in touch for an initial chat, with any questions or to book a session.
Phone: 07846 118454
Email Fiona at the link below.