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Parenthood can be challenging. Our aim is to support you through your pregnancy, into early parenthood and beyond. Our sessions help you build networks of support, friendship and connect you with people who will help you feel confident in your choices.


MotherSpace is a free drop-in group that takes place on Monday mornings. The group is a place for women to come with their baby until they are crawling. The group is facilitated and mums are introduced to each other to help make friends. The relaxed, informal atmosphere helps mothers to feel comfortable – to share the highs and lows of parenting.  There is lots of tea, eating biscuits and chatting.

A gentle walk on the Meadows with your babies lasting around an hour (but you can depart when you like) facilitated by a birth educator and a chance to meet other mums.

Yoga with Babies is a way for parent and baby to share the movements and relaxation of yoga.  Yoga adapted for babies is a delightful way to give babies the variety and amount of movement and touch on which they thrive.


Music with Jackie is an award-winning Early Years Music Education class. It is guitar and song based with recorded music kept to a minimum (some good quality classical and folk music). This makes for a very relaxed, non frenetic atmosphere where children are responsive to learning all the basic musical concepts in an unconscious, creative and fun way.


Baby Massage at the PPC teaches simple ways of massaging your baby while meeting other parents in a relaxed, easy environment. It is a non-invasive way to promote your baby’s healthy growth and development, and encourages bonding and trust between parent and baby.

First Aid Kit

Basic first aid knowledge is invaluable for parents, grandparents, carers and others. Our Baby and Child First Aid sessions aim to prepare parents and others to deal confidently with common childhood emergencies.

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