with Lyssa Clayton
Homeopathy is a system of complementary, natural and energetic medicine. We use remedies as a gentle stimulus to your body for self-healing. The word Homeopathy (Homoeopathy) comes from two Greek words, 'homoios' and 'pathos' meaning 'similar suffering'. One of the fundamental Homeopathic principles is 'Like cures like' or the Law of Similars. This idea dates back to Hippocrates (c.460-370BC) and was used in Ancient Eygyptian and Greek medicine. It means if a substance can make you ill in large amounts, then smaller, specially-prepared doses, can help you get well.
For example:
Coffee is a stimulant and can make us more energised, buzzing and stay awake longer. It can also cause insomnia by making us over-excited and wound up. Homeopathically-prepared Coffee is one remedy we could use for sleep problems.
Cutting onions can cause your eyes to stream with watery tears and your nose to feel raw with a burning discharge. You may find it difficult to think or concentrate well – like having a bad cold or some kinds of hay fever. Allium – cepa, or Red Onion, is a remedy that might help you with those symptoms.

Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician (1755-1843), created the system of medicine we call Homeopathy. As a doctor he was shocked by the harshness of many medical treatments, so he looked at ways to reduce toxic and damaging side effects. He observed that some drugs had similar symptoms to the illnesses they were used to treat, and this intrigued him. So he began to experiment on himself with students, testing increasingly diluted medicines and observing the effects on healthy volunteers. These scientific findings and experiences became the foundations of Homeopathy’s philosophy and practice.Â
The more he reduced and diluted the substances, the more effective the medicines became. He continued to test, observe and document his research. Homeopathy has over two hundred years of observation, exploration and clinical experience and it is now used by millions of people worldwide.
Homeopathic remedies are:
Individually prescribed for you
Not tested on animals
Friendly for our environment
Free from side effects
Can be used alongside any other medications you take
Ideal for anyone to use, including: during pregnancy, while breastfeeding, for babies and children, teens, adults, and as we age and mature into our 90s and beyond.
Homeopaths treat people, not diseases. They find the remedy that matches the pattern of illness and the symptoms you have. Our life events and changes, exposure to bugs and viruses and stress affect our health. We get knocked off balance and become ill differently, so we experience illness and disease in individual ways. Your emotional, mental and physical symptoms are important expressions of your health. Homeopaths are interested in everything.
For more information on Lyssa's sessions, please visit:
What to expect at a consultation
During Covid restrictions, Lyssa is offering consultations for both current clients and initial appointments for new people online and also by phone for anyone who already works with her.
Current clients can expect to have a free 15 minute check-in (online appointment). For any remedies sent out there will be a charge for those and postage.
For those new to Homeopathy, Lyssa offers an introductory meeting.
What happens in a consultation?
You will talk about what you would like help with, for you or your baby or child, including medical history, lifestyle and the things which bother you, any physical symptoms you have, how you are in yourself, what concerns you, and any stresses and worries you have.
Lyssa would love you to get in touch either via email or by phone: 07906312332 / 0131 629 0435 or through her website lyssaclaytonhomeopath.co.uk