Our beloved "Nearly New Sale" (NNS) is back at the PPC on the 19th of November 10am-3pm. Our NNS is a second-hand sale including good quality pregnancy, baby and toddler clothes and items at low prices. It's also a great chance to see what we do here at the PPC and to come enjoy hot drinks, savoury food and cake! We are already super buzzing!
When and how can you donate?
You can start donating now! Feel free to drop off your items Monday-Thursday between 9.30am-1pm at the Centre. Upon arrival just head into the office (past the kitchen, then the door on the right). To start off we ask for small donations only, please. Bigger items such as prams can be donated the week of the sale.

How else can I get involved?
We are looking for volunteers to help make our beloved NNS a success! If you are able to help us with any of the following jobs we would be so, so grateful! Looking for:
1. Volunteers to help set up the NNS on Friday the 18th of November 2. "Bakers!" (to be read in a British back-off voice) we need some home-baked goods for our sale. Please drop these off on Friday the 18th including a list of the ingredients used (for dietary requirements) 3. Volunteers on the 19th of November to help us ensure the NNS runs smoothly 4. Recycling volunteers who would be happy to help us recycle or drop spare items off at charity shops on Monday morning
Please let us know if you are able and happy to help with any of the tasks above. To join our great volunteer team please email: info@pregnancyandparents.org.uk or sign up below & you will be sent more information via email closer to the date.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the NNS soon!
All the very best,
your PPC Team!