The Trustees are volunteers on the management committee that oversee the running of the charity. Being a small charity the role of a PPC trustee is quite hands-on and the members are involved in anything from discussing the strategic direction for the Centre to serving tea and cakes at our fundraising events.

I am a Trustee, member of the Birth Project Group and co-facilitator of the Birth Educators course.
I became involved in childbirth issues while I was pregnant with my first child in 1976 and quickly understood the impact of pregnancy and birth on women and families and the difference support and information can make. Through the yoga groups, I hope to contribute positively to women’s physical, emotional and spiritual experience of pregnancy, birth and early motherhood
I joined the Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services (AIMS) in 1980 after the birth of my third baby and am currently one of its Vice Chairs. I completed the first Birth Teacher’s Course through the West London Birth Centre in 1982 and have run pregnancy groups in Edinburgh since 1985.
I completed a PhD on women’s experiences of homebirths in 2002, which was published as a book, ‘Birthing Autonomy: Women’s Experiences of Planning Home Births’. I continue to research and write about birth issues in books and journals and was co-editor of the MIDIRS Midwifery Digest.
I live with my husband and am fortunate to be a mother of three grown up children, and Grannie to five beautiful grandchildren. My passions are my family, improving women’s and families’ experiences of birth and researching into and campaigning on the politics of birth and midwifery.
Sophie has been part of the PPC family since, well before she was born! Her mum attended Nadine Edward's birth preparation sessions when pregnant!
After coming to the PPC with her children she has decided to join our board and became a trustee mid Summer 2024.
Sophie has a legal background which will be very useful to her fellow trustees and the charity as a whole.
~ we will share more information about Sophie in due course ~
Fay has found the PPC a vital support in both her pregnancies and valued how beneficial it was to her a new mum that she joined our board in summer 2024.
Bringing a strong interest in fundraising coupled with Fay's energy and drive has helped us enormously in the last few months to look at how our fundraising strategy may evolve.
~ we will share more information about Fay in due course ~

I joined the Board of Trustees in January 2022 after the birth of my daughter Alice. I discovered the Pregnancy and Parents Centre during my lockdown pregnancy, as I was looking for yoga for pregnancy. Although my interactions with the Centre were reduced to online classes to begin with, and outdoors for the Homebirth support group, I found myself growing more confident in my choices around birthing my baby and in my own sovereignty. When lockdown eased and my daughter was born, I finally made it to the Centre for other groups like breastfeeding support, baby massage, yoga and music. Then I realised the impact these sessions had on my life and how I gradually organically built a little community of supportive and nurturing women around me and my new family.
I decided to give back to the PPC by joining the Board and giving some of my time to support the amazing and crucial work the organisation is doing.
My skill set is pretty broad and have had many hats in my professional career from manufacturing luxury handbags, offshore engineering, energy efficiency and waste reduction policies. But since the birth of my daughter I have become a birth doula, inspired by my own doula and driven by my wish for every woman to experience the best birth possible by stepping into their power.
On the Board we all get involved in which ever projects we feel suit us or inspire us. I have been focusing on the Nearly New Sales, acting as the PPC representative at the NHS Lothian Maternity Voices Partnership, some HR tasks, and organising and chairing our monthly Trustees meetings. As the Board recruits more members I hope to get involved in other meaningful projects.
I joined the board of trustees in 2023 after I discovered the Pregnancy & Parents Centre way back in 2010 when I was pregnant with my first child Freyja and attend yoga for pregnancy. I loved the centre; I loved all the groups I attended with Freyja and then all the groups again with my second child Eli. It was such an integral part of my children’s early years and a place where I made incredible friendships which continue to this day. I felt at ease within the centre, with all the staff and supported throughout my time there; and my children loved it.
My partner and myself also attended the home birth support group as our second child Eli was born at home. The centre offered a unique level of support, knowledge and guidance around birthing which helped empower our choices and decisions.
My background for a long time was in counselling and outdoor therapeutic groups work, mainly with teenagers and their families, with a focus on drug and mental health issues. From this I moved into social work and I am currently working in child protection. I also really enjoy putting on events and bringing communities together. I hope to use my skills in supporting the PPC in continuing to reach families.

Lucie joined our board at the end of 2024 after being a most valuable volunteer in the past couple of years, specifically at our nearly new sales as well as helping at our Baby First Aid courses, supporting the facilitator by making sure our families felt welcome and had a hot cuppa.
Lucie is involved with the preparations for our up coming 40th Birthday celebrations, specifically around gathering volunteers for our planned events.
~More information to follow ~
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