Supporting our community has been our life's work. Read about some of the ways we have provided information and friendship for parents and families who use our centre.
On the PPC
'The people I have come into contact with at the Pregnancy and Parents Centre all seem to like children! That may seem a strange thing to say but nowadays there is so much talk about women having careers, lovely homes, dynamic hobbies and the clean pristine children being filed away with some childminder. The women at the Centre just love their children. They are intelligent women who find value in being mothers.'

On Baby Massage
'The strokes in Baby Massage were taught at just the right pace for me and my son, very visual and interactive and I enjoyed the course very much, taught in a lovely relaxed friendly environment.'

On Dads-to-Be workshops
'For me the course was a lifeline. Previously I wasn’t sure even which questions to ask or where to look for a reliable and informed answer.'
I went to three pre-natal courses: the NHS one, an NCT one and this one – and found this course the best of the three. I would definitely recommend it to any dads-to-be in the area.'

On Baby and Child First Aid
'Excellent and informative course for the most worrying problems that might arise – thanks very much!'
'Appreciated how Liz had time to answer all questions that came up.'
'Feel so much more equipped without being scared.'
'I liked this course very much – I will send my husband now!'

On the Home Birth Support Group
'Regularly attending the homebirth meetings was priceless in boosting my confidence and answering all our doubts and questions. Homebirthing has been, by far, the most empowering and awesome thing I've ever done.'
'Birth is not like in the movies or on TV and we need to share real stories and change the culture of birth to one which puts women first and in control of their bodies and birth experience. So this is why I share my experience in the group.'