Yoga with Babies is a way for parent and baby to share the movements and relaxation of yoga. Yoga adapted for babies provides a delightful way to give babies the variety and amount of movement and touch on which they thrive, whilst yoga adapted for parents to do alongside their babies provides a way for parents to give themselves the benefits of yoga that can be invaluable in life with a young baby.
Our classes provide a friendly, relaxed environment in which to learn and share yoga with other parents and babies. A range of practices is developed over the weeks so parents can gradually incorporate the fun of yoga into day-to-day life with their babies!
Babies from birth to mobile are welcome.
The yoga in this class is to help parents find renewed strength in themselves in the first few months after birth to ease baby’s transition into the world via movements and touch that very young babies enjoy, and to facilitate the developing parent/baby relationship.

Yoga movements, breathing practices and relaxation that can be done with and around babies.
Yoga especially adapted for babies that helps their development and general wellbeing.
Ways of lifting and holding babies that relieve strain on arms, shoulders and backs.
Strengthening and toning of abdominal and pelvic muscles
Social time with discussion with other parents.
Benefits include first of all enjoying a joint activity with your baby/ies in which you're both having healthful movement that so often brings smiles and/or contentment to all.
Babies’ needs for movement are met, enabling them to be more settled; and parents have yoga movements to ease tight places and bring strength with flexibility after the changes of pregnancy and birth. Yoga breathing and centring/relaxation practices that can be done with babies no matter how they are, renew energy and relieve fatigue.
Yoga with Babies is an hour long session, during which parents are welcome to change, feed, or walk around with their baby and to join in what works, with some movements more parent-focused, some more baby-focused for the benefit and enjoyment of all. The final third of the session is for informal chat and discussion over tea and biscuits which are provided. Please wear clothing which allows plenty of freedom of movement and bring a blanket or towel to place under your baby as well as a muslin to catch posset!
Mats, pillows and yoga blocks are provided.
Parents and their non-mobile baby/ies. One class is with younger babies – newborn to around 4-5 months; the other class is with babies from 4-5 months to mobile/8-10 months.
Our lovely Yoga for Babies facilitator, Andrea, also offers Yoga with Mobile Babies classes at the PPC. These run on the 1st Tuesday of each month from 10am - 10.50am and various Sunday's.
To find out more about how you can practice Yoga with Mobile babies, follow the link here to Andrea's website.
If you want to contact Andrea directly please follow the link here.
Classes are on Tuesdays.
Yoga with Babies from 4/5 months is 11.00-12.30pm.
Yoga with Babies under 4/5 months is 1.30-3.00pm.
Course are booked in six-week blocks and the suggested donation for each block is £57. Please email the PPC at the link below to book or for more information.
The Pregnancy and Parents Centre is a not-for-profit charity. The ethos of the Centre is to welcome everyone whatever their beliefs, backgrounds and circumstances. If you would like to enquire about a concession please fill in the enquiry form by clicking the link below.